
About Us



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Detroit Stereographic Society


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Here are the galleries of images for the 2023-24 competitions:

September 2023 - Open #1
October 2023 - Transportation
November 2023 - Flowers & Gardens
December 2023 - Yum!
January 2024 - Open #2
February 2024 - Begins with R
March 2024 - Sculpture
April 2024 - Details
May 2024 - Open

Here are the galleries of images for the 2022-23 competitions:

September 2022 - Open #1
October 2022 - Wood
November 2022 - Reflections
December 2022 - Begins with "S"
January 2023 - Open #2
February 2023 - Toys
March 2023 - Calm
April 2023 - Set-up
May 2023 - Open #3


Here are some 3D images created by some of our members.

This Gallery contains the award-winning images from our 2016-17 season.  
The other links have a similar Gallery for our 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons.
It is displayed in the HTML5 Stereo Viewer created by Masuji Suto in his program StereoPhoto Maker.

Click here to go directly to the 2016-17 season viewer.

Click here to go directly to the 2019-20 season viewer.

Click here to go directly to the 2020-21 season viewer.

Click here to go directly to the 2021-22 season viewer.

Click here to go directly to the 2022-23 season viewer.

Click here to go directly to the 2023-24 season viewer.

Directions for using the viewer are below.

How to use the HTML5 Stereo Viewer

The viewer has a row of buttons across the top:

Here is what each button does:
Return   Returns you to the previous web page.
Prev   Previous Image
Next   Next Image
Stereo   Dropdown menu for the stereo viewing method - the
current method selected is shown in the top box.

  Para Parallel eyes
  Cross Cross eyes
  Dubois Dubois Anaglyph (Red-Cyan)
  SPM_Ana. Similar to Dubois, with a different mix of colors (Red-Cyan)
  C_Ana. Color Anaglyph (Red-Cyan)
  Ana. Gray Anaglyph (Red-Cyan)
  Int. Row Interlaced
  V_Int. Column Interlaced
  Single Single Image View (2D)
  SBS50 Side-by-side (50% width) - used by many 3D TVs
Slide   Dropdown menu for Slide Show
Changes the time between images in the slideshow.
  Off Stop Slide Show
  1 Sec. Run Slide Show with 1 sec. Interval
  2 Sec. Run Slide Show with 2 sec. Interval
  3 Sec. Run Slide Show with 3 sec. Interval
  4 Sec. Run Slide Show with 4 sec. Interval
  5 Sec. Run Slide Show with 5 sec. Interval
  6 Sec. Run Slide Show with 6 sec. Interval
  7 Sec. Run Slide Show with 7 sec. Interval
  8 Sec. Run Slide Show with 8 sec. Interval
  9 Sec. Run Slide Show with 9 sec. Interval
L-R   Swap Left/Right images
Zoom   Dropdown menu for Zooming
  Fit Fit To Window
  + Zoom in
  - Zoom out
Full   Full-Screen if supported by browser
Help   Dropdown menu for Help
  Japanese Japnese help page
  English English help page

Shortcuts keys
Enter Full-Screen ON/OFF if supported by browser
Next Image
LeftArrow Previous Image
A Slide Show ON/OFF
1 - 9 Slide Show Interval (Sec.)

Mouse (PC)
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out
Mouse Drag to left Next Image
Mouse Drag to right Previous Image

Touch (iPad/iPhone/Android etc)
Flick to left Next Image
Flick to right Previous Image